Saturday 10 December 2011

Apa Guna Berjanji...Jika tak ditepati...

Memahami kehendak manusia..? susah?..Kenapa ekk??...emmm sebabnya kehendak manusia sering berubah-ubah.Senang untuk berdolak-dalik.
Heizz...Fenin lah...ialah, perubahan yang luar daripada aspek perbincangan ini kadan-kadang boleh diterima, tetapi banyak lagi yang yang tidak boleh diterima pakai.Iyalah bila dah bincang baik2, elok2..tetiba berubah angin pula.

Janji adalah salah satu perkara yang sangat biasa dalam kehidupan seorang insan. Manusia melafazkan sesuatu janji semudah menyebut a,b, easy kan..Selalu kita debgarkan kata2 spt "janji melayu" gitulah..contonya..
"Ok..Kejap lagi aku sampai K!...perghh..cakap dalam telefon macam penuh yakin tapi bila ditunggu berjam-jam..bayang pun tak nampak..hemm orang yang menunngu pun naik bosan sampai adakalanya jadi berdosa, sebab Termaki..hem adatlah tu kan..Tapi jika pihak yang membuat janji tadi menyusun ayatnya seperti ini."Insyaalah, jika tiada masalah aku akan sampai, jika ada hal yang tak boleh dielakkan aku akan text kau ya:..kan sedap sikit telinga mendengarnya..sejuk hati kan.

Saya suka dengan satu pepatah melayu yang berbunyi begini" LEMBU BERPEGANG PADA TALI MANUSIA BERPEGANG PADA JANJI"...

Di dalam ISLAM, JANJI adalah satu perkara yang BESAR. Menunaikan JANJI adalah Tanggungjawab Insan. Adalah menjadi satu kesalahan dan berdosa besar jika JANJI dimungkiri. Allah berfirman, bahawa 'Kesalahn Mungkir Janji sebagai satu dosa besar yang perlu dijauhi iaitu sama seperti ciri-ciri orang MUNAFIK'.


Saturday 3 December 2011

‎~ketika keikhlasan dikhianati tanpa direstui~....

"Hakikat dan lumrah manusia...bila baik dipuji...bila benci di caci"...ermmm adatlah tu senang dengan dunia sy sekarang ini...pekerjaan baru dan masih dan terus mengushakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan saya..saya rasa bangga dengan usha dan air tangan saya sendiri mengushakan perniaagan yg sy minati ni..Mudah2han Allah beri saya kemudahan dalam hal2 yg berkaitan sameada dalam perniagaan yg saya ceburi ini atau pekerjaan baru saya ni.Alhamdulillah saya berharap biarlah segala apa yang saya rasa sekarang ini akan kekal hingga akhir hayat saya.,Insyaalah. Tuhan maha adil...(DIA) tidak akan menduga kita jika kita tak mampu untuk mengharunginya dan setiap dugaan yang diberi akan ada kebahgiaan kelak.
Dan pada mereka yang mengkhianati persahabatan suci saya, saya hanya mampu ucapkan terima kasih dan Alhamdulillah at least korang masih sudi untuk menyebut2 name saya.hehehe...Fofular akak...ahaks!...hemmm..Mak X kesah jek..sbb segala suka duka kita semua pernah harungi bersama...saya xminta dibalas jasa ke apa..cuma fahamlah persahabatan ikhlas saya...dari hati saya yang betul ikhlas....

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Crazy! Carzy with Something Yaw!..

Hey peeps!
Nw where shall i start??..Hmm,... 

Sorry I have been abandoning my blog for quite some time.
I have been pretty busy lately and of course so lazy to update my blog.

I'm sure there's more, I'll probably edit. IN the mean time, I've a lot to work on. I'm growing, maturing, learning, crying, hurting, understanding and wondering... But I've to understand I cannot make the same mistakes twice. One kind of like where I am in my life at the moment. I am headed in the right direction, and that makes me smile

Yesterday 14 June 2011 is my Princess Birthday ,Farhanah Amani Putri Farkhan. She turn to 4 yrs.Putriey has grow up perfectly.Putriey..putriey! age time not yet my 4 years mama already included her to Kindergarten will that near. She grerarious and learn. She also jealous to see the 2 bro to school. Therefore I encourage her to school.
For Putriey bezday, me make her day full of beauty and happy!. to ensure Putriey very happy I was make cupcake and chocolate to gift to her friend at kindergarten. Everyday when I see character and Putriey behaviour , I'm very amused and make me a mother that very thorough even I was has 2 owned heros. . I really luv them to my end of life. 
I will leave you with some of the times I'm loving at the moment.....
And Now I committed in what I want to do. I like with business world. Coz maybe, my parents  certainly like business world and they traded with all kinds. From trade cloth, carpet,gold, "Kueh Raya Tradisional like (Kueh Bangkit),food including Catering.Various foods that had been Abah & Ibu traded.I still learning homemade Chocolate making's world and and bakery world that is Cup cake and all types of cake's. Insyaallah with opportunity that there's is I would go ahead this learning.
I always mistrusted myself??..hahaha..alwaysz babe!!... I fear I can't do.But Abah always encourage me. Ibu also same. My Hubby?hehehe...I'm Lucky, he's so supporting and understand. He's extremely encouraging in what i'm doing. 

He believe I can do the best in any that I'm doing,Love him so much . And My Abah going to help along me from all angle he's proud of it. love my abah, and now i'm being crazy-crazy! with chocolate. Most way of making chocolate i'm learning from classes that prepared apart from. and the rest I just see from You tube and blog.

Making homemade chocolate is a truly wonderful and fun experience. It can be the most delicious chocolate you ever had, and it is fun to make. Chocolate is a delicious dessert that many people enjoy. A great thing about chocolate is that it is versatile. You can put in on many things, and serve it with almost anything. There are many different kinds, and each offers a unique flavor. In this article, we will be making realpure chocolate, which many consider to be bitter. This kind of chocolate is said to taste bad and it is rich with antioxidants, which keep your immune system up and ready.

Chocolate contain cocoa butter that certain that could help return muscle and ligament that had disappeared form body. Apart from that nature , chocolate act as medicine with attracts for depression.You really can finish time-one in method that very attractive and forget all life problems when you delicious chocolate feeling.Emmmmmmm..yummy!
1 jusst wanna to say thank you to my Family, expecially Abah!, thanks for always loving me and always encouraging me and always believing in me.  I am so proud to call you my Abah and thank God for blessing me with 2 amazing parents! Love you! he is amazing, encouraging, strong and dependable 
...he always thinks of others and has a huge servant's heart..I know that he and my mom will always believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself
..I know that he and my mom will always believe in me, even when I don't believe in myself

Saturday 23 April 2011

Me - Like HoT, SaSSy & VoGuE...

Hola peepos!

 Fateen here,! *wink....

Saturday?? ..yeah today is saturday...Oh no i'm still in the Opis?..Wat?..yeah.i'm workin..sob! matter that has become my responsibility wat? here we rotate leave in day saturday ..So today my  turn lah!!....So I have solved my task here...

Not goin back yet!...yeah i'm waitin for him to take me home...he got sometin' to do so wait..., i wanna to share one thing certainly  I really2 like babe!...very fond namely beauty fashion and health let's go

Trend change, however style remain forever and indeed true while current rapidly changing and however personal style that possessed by same famous human/artist will become fad and refference

Let  time replace time, however still many style which remains inside mind and try in mix current trend.

I wanna share and show in all of you about a "FASHION, STYLE  and  TREND can make us has been pretty and have image dat's distinctive.

Audrey Hepburn - Little Black Dress 60'
Beautiful Elizabeth Taylor- Actress 1960'

James Dean
Beautiful saloma….More modern Malaysia Beauty -1960
Also..1960 Actress Malaysia - Sarimah
Rozita Latest Actress Malaysia- in Modern Style
Rozita Che wan - In Traditional.
Beautiful Ziana Zain - Actress/Singer Malaysia
Erra Fazira - Top Actress Malaysia
Beautiful Erra Fazira - I Like her
Angelina Jolie- Hollywood Actress
Jeniffer Lopez @ JLO
Megan Fox - Artist
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian - Actress Hollywood


Allure ~Fashion & You ~ Fabulous!! 

**..................I like hot, Sassy, sexy & Vogue.............**

Vintage style - rare..

Add caption

from bebe brand
bebe fashion

from Dorothy Perkins
KIm Kardashian
Dorothy perkins

Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian

Friday 22 April 2011

Menjawab soalan gedix dr Puan Comei

1.Bekas kekasih saya adalah seorang :

  ..mane de bekas kekasih nok!...Hubby, aku adalah

2.Saya sedang mendengar :

    nak tidor kang ..leh ler dengar lagu Sedetik lebih gan         
    lagu rindu setengah la babe!

3.Mungkin saya patut : 

   meneruskan lagi sesi diet saya dengan cepat

4.Saya suka : 
   berangan dan memeluk hubby dan 3 comey sy itu...

5.Sahabat baik saya : 

   hp, internet dan smua yang baik gan sy adalh 

   shbt baik sy..

6.Saya tak faham :

   kenapa 'pompuan' sekarang suke mengedik kat laki or 

   kepunyaan orang dammm!!

7.Saya kehilangan : 

   setakat ni xder ape2 milik sy yang ilang...kalo 

   pastikan org yang curik tu putus ke dua2           


8.Ramai yg bertanya :

   nak tanya??..tanya lah...

9.Makna nama saya : 

   Fat'hiya :( pembukaan) Fateen: (yg genit)...ahaks genit 


10.Cinta itu adalah :

     memang unik...sbb kalo dah jatuh cinta smua serba 

     xkena...dn cinta adalah saat kau melihatnya hanya dari 

     hati bukan mata..

11.Saya akan cuba : 

     jadi ibu, istri anak dn menantu yg mithali..hehehe (^_*)...

12.Telefon bimbit saya :

      Hubby present....

13.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :

      minur air masak dn gosok gigi

14.Saya paling meluat apabila :

     Ade Laki orang yang mengatai dan cuba mengaku 


15.Pesta/party adalah :

     dah berumur bagai ni ade pesta2...tuk kids yg 3 ok 


16.Haiwan yg paling comel : 

      Kucing kot!

7.Peringkat umur yg paling menyeronokkan bg saya ialah :

      sekarang kot..sbb makin nk lagi sassy, 

      Vogue  & hot..untuk suami daaa..

18.Hari ini :

      macam biase jek...xder apa yg menarik dn tertarik pun

19.Mlm ini saya akan :

     golek2 depan Tv sbb ade story yg menarik di TV3

20.Esok pula saya akan :

     bersantai dengan keluarga sy...

21.Saya betul2 inginkan :

     nak cepat kaya

22.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pg ini : 
     biase jek...yg penting xder jerawat.

23.Siapa yg anda mahu tag :

     saya dah tag si Dilla Ricka dan akan tag si Erikafaraisya           

April that filled with trials...OMG!!

I can't believe that we're already in the middle of April. For Fateen this april is very meaningful and I can’t forget it.. Huh! WHY??  cozz ,reason various problem and life challange  who come to me. Guess my authority as human, see like it small matter but to fateen how tiresome.

 The last two weeks have been a total whirlwind of back-to-school activities, school forms to fill out,  and U know my 1st boy Faiq Akid he create problems at school. My child is my responsibility and hubby. One day hubby got call from school Akid teacher. She's complaining that akid do not make homework and does not bring school stationery. Akid teacher worried the matter otherwise take action will bring bad effect . My hubby also promises to teacher will solve this problem nicely and going to discuss with me. We also have to asked problem to Akid. But we no answers that right from him, cozz he more keeping silent and cry . So the best way is see  itself the class teacher.  After long discussions wif hubby……ermmm, the meaning as people that very close with Akid is me laa..(his Mama), me also promised will be going see teacher to discuss on akid matters.
 I has already going to school and see teacher on 5th of April (take annual leave la Babe!),  which we want discuss for akid problems. Obviously my expectation is wrong..OMG my boy that wise, he did not mischievous. He always score that good and as he certainly were in class that good namely 2 Amanah . He never harassing friend or rock the boat in class. He like to be alone with his own world, He’s not alert, he like pensive itself. So what actually he’s problem????.  U Olss!! Akid’s teacher almost drip tears, she said that my boy so special to her. U know,  he’s always can score good marks in class and not make trouble inside class.

End of session we both agreed to settle this problem. Akid’s teacher prepare to monitor  akid in class by making approach - More TAKE CARE 

Me, hubby and whole family will be concentrating even more attention to him and  me also promised to teacher and myself  will be bringing him to see pediatrician doctor in nearest time  and medicated traditional way. Anything For you Anak mama..Luv U Faiq Akid. 

Me, My Boy- Faiq Akid and Papa....